0419 283 770

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Jacqui Hunter

I have over 30 years experience in the stockbroking industry. Preservation of wealth, increase in income and growth of capital are paramount investment considerations. I am genuinely committed to providing best advice specifically tailored to the needs of each individual client.

Serving Mittagong, Berrima, Braemar, Welby, Bowral and surrounding suburbs.

Call today! 0419 283 770

About Us

Private Client Stockbroking

Jacqui Hunter is an ASIC regulated Authorised Representative (no. 000223861) with Le Messurier Securities Pty. Ltd (AFSL 296877). Jacqui is a member of the Stockbrokers’ and Investment Advisers’ Association of Australia.

Share trades are placed through Australian Investment Exchange (AUSIEX) and CMC Markets who are both Participant Members of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited. Clients are always able to track their investments online (and much more) plus receive end of financial year statements.

The majority of Jacqui’s clients prefer a diversified portfolio of fairly conservative blue chip shares with high fully franked dividends particularly suitable for self-managed superannuation funds. This is an area where Jacqui feels particularly confident and comfortable. She describes herself as A BROKER WITH A CONSCIENCE and tends to follow a value based investment style.

Many people looking at this site may only be looking to sell or buy a small parcel of shares. Jacqui does exactly that and can lead you through the painless process.


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Email: bigaitch@bigpond.net.au
Call Today! 0419 283 770

Jacqui Hunter

Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved

Jacqui Hunter
Address: Level 1/118 Main St, Mittagong NSW 2575, Australia
Phone : 0419 283 770